Ohio Wrongful Death Doesn’t
Have To Take A Financial Toll

Jun 01, 2010

A wrongful death is perhaps one of the hardest scenarios from which to recover. In fact, it may seem impossible on some days. Filing a lawsuit in such a case obviously won’t bring a loved one back. It may, however, provide some sense of justice and/or closure to a very painful situation.

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Ohio doesn’t have to be a financial burden, as well as a sorrowful undertaking. With possible help able to be offered from Lawsuit Hotline Services, LLC, at least financially you can afford to wait out a lawsuit against the responsible party(ies).
If you have suffered the wrongful death of a loved one in the State of Ohio, you should consult an attorney about filing a lawsuit. Once you make your decision to file, also speak with your attorney about advanced lawsuit funding from Lawsuit Hotline.com. If you apply and an offer is presented to you for advanced funding, you can use that money to help with your expenses as you pursue a successful conclusion and vindication for your loved one.
Lawsuit Hotline can offer pre-settlement financing that can give you access to the cash you need now, on a daily basis, while waiting for the lawsuit to conclude. As almost everyone knows, lawsuits traveling through the legal system are generally in for a long journey. The legal process can be lengthy. Your emotions are likely to stay on edge and kept very near the surface during the lawsuit. To help you through this waiting period, Lawsuit Hotline can offer you funds now to take some small level of financial stress and burden off your shoulders and ease your mind, if only just a bit.
Lawsuit Hotline.com has much experience dealing with wrongful death lawsuits, and they can offer funding for settled and pre-settled wrongful death cases. Talk to your attorney about filing for advanced funding from Lawsuit Hotline. Initially, they will set up a phone interview with you and/or your attorney to discern the facts of your case. Copies of any necessary documentation will need to be provided to Lawsuit Hotline to help them make a decision about your case. Any information provided will be kept confidential and is solely for the purposes of deciding the viability of your particular case.
Once your case has been approved for funding, an offer will be made by telephone to you and/or your attorney. You do not have to accept the full amount offered; you can accept a lesser amount if you so choose subject to minimum funding limits. You do not have to accept the offer at all if you change your mind between the time you ask and the time the offer may be made. If you accept the offer of advanced funding, a contract agreement will be sent to your attorney’s office. Upon signature and return of the executed agreement, you will receive a check. These funds can be used however you see fit. It is strongly recommended to use them in a responsible manner. When your case concludes successfully, your attorney will repay the funds from your settlement, subject to the payment schedule in the contract you signed. If you case does not conclude successfully, you are under no obligation to repay the funds advanced.