Maritime Accidents Lawsuits

Maritime Accidents Lawsuits
Maritime Accidents Fact
If you or someone you know was affected by a maritime accident, an experienced attorney can help you decide the best action to take. Should your circumstances result in a claim, Lawsuit Hotline can help you gain access to the capital you’ll need while waiting for settlement.

Admiralty and maritime law addresses situations that […]

Labor Law Claims

Labor Law Claims
Labor Law Claims Facts
Lawsuit Hotline can help bridge the financial gap between the filing and settlement of  labor law claims. Many people that are involved in litigation arising from a facet of labor law eventually face financial hardships. Many can’t work and the legal process is long and drawn out. Some cases take […]


Judgement Lawsuit
Judgements Facts
Collecting on judgments can be a complicated process. If you and your attorney are attempting to collect a judgment against a viable entity, consider judgment financing with Lawsuit Hotline to help alleviate financial pressures during the collection process.

Lawsuit Hotline will consider judgments against viable entities as long as the following criteria are met:


Harassment Lawsuits

Harassment Lawsuits
Harassment Facts
Harassment is nothing that should be ignored. If you or a loved one has been affected by harassment, consider contacting a qualified legal professional who can guide you to the correct course of action. Should your circumstances call for legal action, Lawsuit Hotline is here to help you with pre-settlement financing.

Many people equate […]

Animal Bite Lawsuits

Animal Bite Lawsuits
Animal Bites Facts
Animal bites can be serious – even fatal. If you or a loved one has been bitten by an animal, please consider contacting an experienced attorney who can guide you to the best course of action. Should you and your attorney pursue a case, Lawsuit Hotline can possibly give you access […]

Cruise Ship Accidents – Lawsuits

Cruise Ship Accidents – Lawsuits
Cruise Ship Accidents – Facts
Cruise ship accidents are a very serious matter. If you or a loved one was the victim of a cruise ship accident, an experienced attorney can help you navigate your best course of action. If you hire an attorney, Lawsuit Hotline can try to help ease the […]

Commercial Litigation Funding Lawsuits

Commercial Litigation Funding Facts
Business owners involved in litigation arising from a commercial claim eventually face financial problems. Case resolution may take several years, and the frustrations arising from the process can be detrimental to a business’ bottom line, and a business owner’s emotional well-being. A money arrangement to bridge this temporary situation may save your […]

Class Action Lawsuit

Class Action Lawsuit Facts
Class action lawsuits can be complicated procedures. We encourage you to seek the guidance of qualified legal experts. If your attorney advises filing suit and you need access to funds before settlement, contact Lawsuit Hotline to discuss pre-settlement financing.

When a lawsuit is filed on behalf of one or more named plaintiffs, but […]

Civil Rights Lawsuits

Civil Rights Facts
Many people that are involved in litigation arising from a civil rights claim eventually face financial hardships. Some cases take many years to resolve, and the associated stresses may negatively affect a litigant’s livelihood and health. This is where our services at Lawsuit Hotline can help.

Civil rights law goes beyond racial discrimination. Inappropriate […]

Bus Accident Lawsuits

Bus Accident Facts
Were you or someone you know the victim of a bus accident? If so, consider contacting an attorney who can help you decipher the best course of legal action. If your situation results in a lawsuit, Lawsuit Hotline can possibly ease your financial burden during the settlement process.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) […]