Cruise Ship Accidents – Lawsuits

Cruise Ship Accidents – Facts

Cruise ship accidents are a very serious matter. If you or a loved one was the victim of a cruise ship accident, an experienced attorney can help you navigate your best course of action. If you hire an attorney, Lawsuit Hotline can try to help ease the financial strain before your case is settled.

Cruise lines sell perfection; a once–in–a–lifetime experience where every need and desire is fulfilled while floating on an idyllic blue sea. Unfortunately, many passengers only look at the pictures, not reading the fine print that limits the liability of the commercial cruise entity, and therefore giving a more realistic view of a unique vacation opportunity.


Cruise ships are often referred to as “floating hotels,” and that is an accurate description when thinking about accident lawsuits. If you had a slip-and-fall accident in a hotel, would you hold the building management responsible? If you were assaulted, would the hotel’s security policies be in question? These are the same issues experienced in accidental injury and other unfortunate incidents on cruise ships.

On Sunday, May 11, 2008, Mindy Jordan, a 46-year-old New Jersey mother of two, went overboard during a Caribbean cruise on the Norwegian Dawn. After search-and-rescue operations ceased, the FBI continued to investigate, especially since the victim’s family suspected her boyfriend was involved in her disappearance.

The cruise line later released surveillance video that clearly shows Jordan alone at the time of the incident, and confirms that the event was an accident rather than foul play.

The same ship experienced minor injuries to four passengers and flooding of 62 cabins after a “freak” 70-foot wave hit the vessel. Although the cruise line maintains that safety was in no way compromised by the ship’s route, bruised and drenched passengers may feel differently. “Why would you go through a storm? Can’t they see it coming? I’m trying not to be angry,” said Robert Clark, a radio production manager.

Read the full Associated Press article


Many people that are involved in cruise ship accident lawsuits eventually face financial hardships. Many can’t work and the legal process is long and drawn out. Some cases take many years to resolve. Lawsuit Hotline specializes in the funding of settled and pre-settled cruise ship accident lawsuits. During the funding process, Lawsuit Hotline requests some of the case documentation, underwriting evaluates the lawsuit to determine whether funding can be extended, and if approved, a contract is issued for the injured party and his/her attorney to sign. The injured party’s attorney then repays the lien when the case is resolved. All funding is non recourse, which means that if for any reason, there is no recovery on the case, then no money is owed back.