Limitations On Filing Workers Compensation Lawsuit
Mar 16, 2010
When you give your all to your place of employment, you may wish to believe that the company will give back to you, for instance that they will help you should you become injured while you are on the job. Unfortunately many people discover that this simply isn’t the case, and many times they learn that people who employ them aren’t any more willing to let go of their funds than any other person in the world, which is why worker’s compensation laws exist.
Workers Compensation
Worker’s compensation is a law that is created on a state by state basis to protect the workers of any company. Worker’s compensation is basically a way to ensure that you are protected should something happen to you while you are on the job for the company. If, for instance, you were to cut off a finger while you were working, worker’s compensation would be used to pay for your time off of work and would help you to pay for your medical bills. This all happens because you were injured on the job.
But employers do not want to pay these bills, especially if they are large bill that can come such as when someone cuts off a finger or a large appendage. If your place of employment refuses to pay your worker’s compensation claim, that is when you may want to look into filing a worker’s compensation lawsuit. There are often, however, limitations that exist when it comes to filing a lawsuit for worker’s compensation.
Limitations on Filing Workers Compensation Lawsuit
The first limitation that you should be aware of is time. Time is not with you when you’re filing any type of lawsuit. The time limitation exists for a number of reasons, most of which because it is often difficult to find supporting evidence about your injury years after the injury occurs. The sooner after the injury occurs that you file the suit, the easier it is for the judge or jury to see the evidence that you need them to see. While most states have their own idea as to when their statute of limitations is, in most cases you can’t file a lawsuit two years after the injury occurred. If you try to file a lawsuit two years later, your lawsuit may be deemed too late and thrown out of court.
There are also other limitations that you should be aware of before you file a lawsuit. And because each state has their own laws, it can be tricky to figure out what your states limitations are. That’s why it is important that you get a lawyer who is experienced in worker’s compensation lawsuits, so that they know all of the information that you do not know and are able to take care of the details for you. Remember: with worker’s compensation lawsuits, time is not your friend, so engage the services of a lawyer as soon as you possibly can so that you are able to have the best outcome possible. If you need information about lawsuit funding, contact Lawsuit Hotline today.