Should I Settle If the Accident Was My Fault?
Mar 17, 2010
The most important aspect of any auto accident case is fault. If you have been involved in an automobile accident and you are at fault, you may be hit with a lawsuit. This is especially true if the other individual or individuals involved in the accident have been injured in any way. After the accident, the policemen at the scene will take statements and determine who was at fault. If you know you are at fault, the best thing you can do at that moment is to admit fault. You can then contact your insurance company to help you decide what steps you need to take next.
If you have been hit with a lawsuit because you are at fault for an automobile accident, you may be wondering what in the world you need to do next. First and foremost, your insurance company may be able to take care of things without involving you at all. Most insurance companies offer accident coverage for an additional fee, even when you are at fault. All you have to pay is the deductible. Discuss your options with your insurance company before you do anything else. They may tell you that they have everything covered and will then settle the lawsuit out of court. Settling out of court is probably your best option.
Should I Settle If the Accident Was My Fault?
If you are at fault and you know you are at fault, going through court proceedings will only be a huge waste of time and money. Do yourself a favor and settle instead. If you are uninsured, and you have been involved in an automobile accident in which you are responsible, the financial repercussions could be insurmountable. In addition to lawyer fees and court expenses, you will end up having to pay a large sum of money in order to cover the victim’s medical bills as well as other financial and emotional damages. You may be able to save yourself a lot of money in the long run if you decide to settle out of court instead.
However, if you are not at fault and you are hit with a lawsuit then you should contact a lawyer right away. Do not settle for something that isn’t your fault. Your insurance rates will go up and the accident will stay on your record. You would be better off taking your chances in court, especially if you have enough evidence to support your innocence. Sadly, some people try to take advantage of automobile accidents by faking injuries and claiming others at fault when it isn’t true. The main reason for doing so is to try and get a substantial amount of money through a settlement. If you are not at fault, don’t settle. Hire an attorney and defend yourself to the fullest extent. Don’t fall victim to a meaningless scam.