Settled Cases Lawsuits
Settled Cases Facts
You do not have to wait until you receive a check for your settled case. Lawsuit Hotline provides settlement financing to ease the financial transition between signing a settlement agreement and receiving the settlement funds.
After a case settles, the plaintiff does not necessarily get paid immediately. In fact, it can take weeks, if not months, for payment to arrive, and even then, the payment will have to clear the attorney’s trust account before payment can be issued to the plaintiff. It is this delay that provides a need for Lawsuit Hotline’s service.
Sometimes a small advance immediately can help bridge the financial gap until your settlement arrives.
A social networking site, Yahoo! Answers, includes no less than ten posts from ordinary homeowners waiting for payment from the Ameriquest Multistate Settlement. Several of the posts include information about loss of homes and great financial hardship during the 2007 wait for settlement checks.
Read about the Ameriquest Multistate Settlement at Yahoo! Answers
The abuse of wait-time and delays on these settlement checks eventually hit the radar of RipOff Report, a consumer advocacy website, which posted a scathing article about Rust Consulting, the administrator of the settlement funds.
RipOff Report quotes waiting complainants who say, “They dangle ‘anticipated’ dates in front of us and then change them on the very date they had set as a delivery date, then hide behind vague excuses and the cover of the wording, noting the term ‘anticipated’.”
Businesses can also face financial hardship when settlement payments are delayed. The Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC), an organization dedicated to helping businesses in the jewelry industry, sharply criticized the delays in payment from a recent settlement with De Beers.
Said Cecilia Gardner, JVC’s president, CEO and general counsel: “Delay in settling the De Beers Class Action lawsuit can harm JVC members, the jewelry industry and ultimately consumers.”
If you are experiencing financial hardship while waiting for a legal settlement, Lawsuit Hotline may be able to bridge the financial gap. Whether your funding needs result from an inability to work, or excessive bills generated from the lawsuit process, Lawsuit Hotline may be able to relieve some of the stress from mounting bills.