What is a Lawsuit Advance and What is it Used For?

Mar 17, 2010

Being in the middle of a long and drawn out lawsuit can leave you feeling like it may never end. When will you be able to go on with paying for the normal expenses of life, the additional expenses that the lawsuit has brought on, and planning for your future? The answer is, now.

What is a Lawsuit Advance?

Applying for a lawsuit advance is not long and drawn out, and may end up making your finances available now, rather than later. Usually the advance is for a portion of what the plaintiff in a lawsuit expects to win in the lawsuit, and can be used to meet needs now, while you wait.

A lawsuit advance is an advance made to a plaintiff in a lawsuit, which will be paid back when the case is settled. If the amount settled on is less than the amount of the advance, the funder receives a portion of the advance as payment to pay back the advance. In other words, if you don’t win as much in the lawsuit as you received, you are not responsible for paying all of it back. The payments are contingent on the settlement.

What is a Lawsuit Advance Used For?

When you become involved in a lawsuit for personal or business reasons, the financial obligations involved may add to your already stressed out financial situation. There are many different things you can use your lawsuit advance for, as a matter of fact, you can really use it for just about anything.

Many people use their cash advance to pay for bills and other necessities while going through the lawsuit. This is usually what people assume the advance is for, but in all reality, it is to help meet any of the financial needs you may have while going through the lawsuit process.

  • Daily expenses, such as: lunches, paying bills, gas for your car.
  • Mortgage payments
  • Paying off some debt that you planned to take care of with your settlement money
  • Transportation expenses for going to and from court
  • Expenses incurred for gathering records
  • Obligations that won’t wait for the case to settle
  • Keeping your business running smoothly 
If you are approved for your lawsuit advance, you may receive your money on the same day as approval. Giving you the help you need now, is our business. Taking the first step to your advance is taking the first step to meeting your financial needs now, rather than having to wait for a lengthy lawsuit to settle.

Being approved for a lawsuit settlement advance may help you avoid having the bills pile up while you are waiting for the final details on the settlement to be made. Your life does not have to be put on hold while you wait, when you apply for, and are approved for, a lawsuit advance. Now is the time to begin to meet all of those financial needs that have piled up. Maybe we can help you not become buried in expenses while you wait, with an advance.