Lawsuit Funding For Texas Businesses
Mar 12, 2010
Every year, thousands of businesses are sued for a multitude of reasons. Some are without a doubt, frivolous. Even when they are not, legal cases of any kind are always disruptive. If you have a small business and are facing a legal issue, are you prepared for the costs? Do you have the financial ability needed to keep your business (and personal income) flowing?
Every year there are small business owners who fail only because they didn’t understand that when facing a legal battle with their business that their income and families are the ones that can suffer as well. Even after winning a case you may find yourself waiting for a settlement payment, or worse, find that you didn’t have enough money to keep your business open.
Lawsuit Hotline can help! By going online and reading about our no-obligation services, you may not need to face that battle on your own or drown in debt because of it. Our professionals are caring, compassionate and willing to assist with your needs. Our funders provide non-recourse funding which is basically a cash advance that you pay back once your case has been won. Our professionals work to find the most competitive rates so that you don’t pay more than you need to. We can do this because we have such great funders within our network that also care about the clients that they serve. Many of these funders have been doing this very thing for years and know how the system works.
What do you need to do?
- Contact your attorney and let them know you are thinking about utilizing our services. This will also let them know that our professionals may be contacting them shortly so we can obtain any necessary information. This gives us a better picture of where your case is and what your needs will be.
- Gather any legal documentation that you think might be beneficial – you can look on the website for more information on this.
- Understand what your expenses are, both within your business and at home.
- Apply online
That is really about all that you need to do. Our professionals will do the rest. Because we work for you, you can rest assured that our group will provide everything necessary to complete your application and funding needs promptly.
What will we cover?
- Breach of Contract
- Contract Disputes
- Medical Malpractice
- Product Liability
- Defective Products
- Wrongful Death
- And More